總監督綜覧 – 第五期


伍牧師在本期《牧長經詮》指出,教會須「做人不做事」,這話的意思是說 教會的首要任務是造就弟兄姊妹的屬靈生命,而不是一味推動事工;事工做得不好 可以修正再來,但為了推動事工而引發批評和對立,就要付上屬靈群體在基督裏的 彼此接納為代價,這絕非教會之福。伍牧師特意在本年四、五月之間,為三區會牧 者開辦牧養神學課程,將湛深的聖經神學結合數十年牧會經驗所凝聚的智慧,向後 輩牧者系統講授,這確實是難得的屬靈盛宴,更是教會之福。

郭志榮牧師講《傳道書》三章 1-8 節,正是從聖經神學所開出來的牧養指引, 當中除了分析《傳道書》「凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時」絕非宿命論,更從 當中的信息指出信仰應有的積極性,當人建立起屬靈洞察力,就能把握時機,與神 同工。這篇講章邏輯力強,辨析細致,大家務必細讀。


This issue carries Rev. Donavan Ng’s feature article, in which Rev. Ng explained that what really matters for a church is the spiritual life of the people, not the tasks. There
is always another chance for failed tasks but not so for broken hearts. The assignments of a church should never be accomplished at all costs, especially when the cost is disputes and fights that would eventually ruin the relationship between brothers and sisters. In April and May this year, Rev. Ng took a step further to elaborate his insights by giving out sessions on pastoral theology to all pastors of the three conferences of Hong Kong Pentecostal Holiness Church. Blending his personal ministry throughout the years with Biblical teaching, Rev. Ng has indeed treated his next generation pastors with a wonderful spiritual feast.

In the Field Superintendent’s Sermon, Rev. Eddy Kwok shared a message on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, pointing out the fallacy that the verse “there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens” hints at fatalism. Quite on the contrary, the Bible message stressed on the importance of spiritual insight to grasp the chance to work with God. Rev. Kwok gave a logical and powerful elaboration of the message worth an in-depth reading.

Missionaries from Singapore, Kenya and Golden Triangle sent detailed reports on their post-pandemic ministries, which are filled with challenges but full of opportunities. Let’s keep supporting them with our earnest prayers.

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