總監督綜覧 – 第六期


本期伍牧師和郭牧師都在講章中談到「傷痕」。傷痕驟眼看起來是負面的標 誌,但對於主耶穌的門徒來說,事奉神而來的傷痕都帶著主耶穌得勝的印記,他們 都經歷過在受傷中被神修補、重建、復元並且更加茁壯的過程,深切明白到弟兄姊 妹也會受傷,能夠耐心地與肢體同行,引領他們走出生命的幽谷,一同在事奉中成 長。這就說明了為甚麼傷痕是事奉者的生命印記,事奉神的本錢。

本會新按立的五位牧師:李駿良牧師、黎紫婷牧師、張安琪牧師、胡凱澄牧 師和葉欣榮牧師,從他們的按立感言中,已充分看到他們如何帶著傷痕去建立教會 和服侍弟兄姊妹。我們深信賜人生命和平安的神,必然要不斷加添事奉者的信心和 能力,叫所有愛神的人得造就、得益處。

在海外宣教方面,林燕燕牧師、周瑞群牧師詳述了新加坡和肯尼亞事工的概 況,林藝環牧師為我們帶來了泰北事工最新進展,期望在不久的將來我們會看到這 幾個宣教區的嶄新面貌。

In this issue, both Rev. Donavan Ng and Rev. Eddy Kwok talked about “scars” in their sermons. Apparently a negative sign, “scars” might carry incredible strength for the followers of Jesus Christ. The crucified Christ had scars left on His body, signifying His victory over death. Those who follow Jesus Christ likewise would go through injuries and sufferings, and the subsequent healings and restorations of God. They would naturally understand more clearly the feelings of others who get hurt and would be more patient to walk with them through the valley of darkness. This explains why scars could be seen as “stigmas of victory” and capital for those who serve God.

Five co-workers of HKPHC were recently ordained as ministers: Rev. Alex Do Rego, Rev. Tze-Ting Lai, Rev. On-Kai Cheung, Rev. Hilda Wu and Rev. Yan-Wing Yip. From their sharing, we could see how they’ve carried their own stigmas in the process of building the church and serving brothers and sisters. We believe the munificent God will keep blessing them with faith and strength, and in all things God work for the good of those who love Him.

Rev. Yin-yin Lam and Rev. Iris Chau as usual brought us the latest news on PHC’s mission fields in Singapore and Kenya. For our overseas ministry in Northern Thailand, Rev. Jerix Lam explained to us the updated progress. We look greatly forward to witnessing the power of Gospel manifested in these areas.

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