本期《聖經叢談》的題目是「生命成長的三部曲」,這三部曲的屬靈成長歷程, 讓我聯想到最近一次攀山經歷。一位資深弟兄近年愛上行山,走遍香港的大小山徑,近 日他透過另一位弟兄邀請我同登大嶼山的西狗牙。當天我們整裝出發,卻在西狗牙的 入口處碰到一位中年大叔從山腰處踉蹌而下,說他只爬了十分一路就感到不對勁,決定 離隊下山而去。我們一邊上山,一邊暗自取笑他。誰料此山以「狗牙」為名,正因為山 勢跌宕起伏,狀如狗牙,且山勢險峭,須四肢並用,順著人手鑿出來的石徑向上攀爬, 始能緩步前進。起初石徑兩旁有灌木生長,心裏比較踏實;但沿坡而上,兩旁變得光禿, 爬得愈高,地勢就愈險,還要保守自己和同伴不從數百米高的懸崖墮下,確是一步一 驚心。但山徑陡峭,一旦上山就不能走回頭路,非得攀過三個互相接連、一個比一個高 聳的山峰,才能到達下山的山口。於是,我們只有硬著頭皮,頂著畏高而酸軟的腳步, 用了不知多個小時,終於登頂,經歷了一次「壯舉」。這次經歷,我想可以作為生命同 行的隱喻,看到人生中相伴同行、互相守望、堅持到底的重要性。我們更看到在人生 大小經歷中,都有著神的保守與引領,叫我們有能力征服看似一個比一個艱難的攔阻, 突破自己的軟弱,見證人在基督裏的生命長進。
此外,本期堂會快訊介紹三門仔堂的兩位傳道同工,是一對年輕的夫婦,他們相 識相愛、同工同行的過程,都是美好的生命見證。林淑櫻牧師講論人際之間的戰爭與和 解,都是很好的提醒,叫我們珍惜身邊的人。
This Bible Hermeneutics column of this issue carries the title “The three steps of spiritual growth”. The article reminds me of a recent hiking experience. A veteran member of our church has fallen in love with mountain hikes during the past few years, leaving his footprints on most trails in Hong Kong. Not long ago, he invited me and another brother in Christ to a hike at West Dog’s Teeth in Lantau. Geared up, at the entrance which was half way up the mountain, we came across a middle-aged guy who made his way down clumsily. He said he had just climbed up one-tenth of the distance before heading back as he felt he would not be capable of finishing the trail, which seemed too difficult for him. We continued uphill after the brief encounter and joked about the guy. But we understood his feeling very soon because the trail got its name not without reason. The steepness and frequent ups and downs resemble the shape of dog’s teeth. We had to use both hands and feet to proceed safely. Moving slowly, we managed to feel secure as both sides of the trail were covered by bushes. Yet as we climbed up, the trail became increasingly uncovered and we were literally in the middle of a cliff. The sight was so scary but there was no way back. We must carry on to climb over three more hilltops before reaching the exit. I couldn’t remember how many hours it has taken before we reached the peak and accomplished this remarkable journey. That was indeed a precious experience that echoed my spiritual journey, from which I realized the importance of the support of companions, determination and persistence. What’s more important is the guidance and protection of our Lord, who always leads us through all kinds of obstacles and helps us to encounter an improved self in the love of Jesus Christ.
Besides, the interview with the young couple who pastor PHC Sam Mun Tsai Church told us a beautiful story of how they evolved from lovers to partners in serving a far bigger family in God. In the Message from Conferences column, Rev. Maggie Lam shared with us the battles and peace-making in various aspects of interpersonal relationships. Her message is a great reminder for us to cherish the people around us.
We hope you will enjoy reading this issue. Let’s learn and experience growth in spiritual life together!
- 堂會快訊
An interview with the pastor couple of Sam Mun Tsai Pentecostal Holiness Church - 聖經叢談
The three steps of spiritual growth - 代禱事項
Prayer unites us–PH Churches in Hong Kong - 三區會牧者勸勉
Battlefields everywhere?!